We accelerate results with our WebCouncil™ services, fast-cycle processes, and virtual facilitation.
Speed is the ultimate weapon in business. All else being equal, the fastest company in any market will win.~ Dave Girouard
Below are examples of our high-value customized solutions

An investment counsel firm used the GEO WebCouncil™ System to engage all its members in weekly collaboration sessions to develop and execute a 3-year strategic plan.
The firm’s past strategic planning efforts had used the traditional approach ─ the executive team worked off-site for a couple of days with a facilitator. They returned to the office with a plan, but it usually ended up in a binder on the shelf.
So, the firm tried something new: the GEO WebCouncil™. The 28-member co-located group ― counselors and entire professional staff ― collaborated online. Each week the CEO facilitated a one-hour online session. Over 90-days, the group collectively shaped a strategy to transform their business. After that, they continued meeting weekly with GEO WebCouncil™ tools to ensure aligned execution actions and learn together to improve their performance.
All the online sessions were designed remotely by a GEO Advisor following the process of Weekly Cycles illustrated below.

“I like the short-burst weekly pace. Our agenda is laid out for us online, clearly organized. We can debate the issues and then make rapid, smart decisions using our Collective Intelligence.”

A national association of university deans used the GEO WebCouncil™ System
to engage stakeholders and inform its strategic planning.
Rather than send a survey to members across the country as they had done in the past, the board of directors decided to conduct facilitated virtual collaboration sessions.
Fifty stakeholders logged into the the GEO WebCouncil™ System for each session. The GEO Advisor facilitated a discussion of key strategic issues and then posed simply stated questions. The stakeholders then simultaneously entered their answers via online feedback tools. It was fast, precise, and everyone’s thoughts were captured.
Following each session, the GEO Advisor synthesized all the responses and prepared a “Theme Analysis” for the stakeholders to review prior to the next collaboration session.
Over three weeks, divergent viewpoints converged. Following the third session, the GEO Advisor prepared a deliverable draft that the board used to make key strategic decisions.

“This is an exceptionally well-conceived approach to collaboration. It is both an extremely effective way to get broad input from a large group and make it through a tight agenda quickly. Very impressive!”

A Fortune 500 firm used the GEO WebCouncil™ System to shape a new strategy and align all the organization’s leaders.
The process was large scale. It included 250 leaders across levels, functions, and locations. The leaders were organized into 25 virtual teams that met online each week for strategic thinking and planning. Each one-hour session was designed and co-facilitated by a GEO Advisor and an HR Director.
The client identified two significant benefits of this approach. First, it simplified the meeting logistics and reduced costs because the leaders were not gathering physically in one location. Second, the collaboration tools allowed a broad spectrum of diverse thinking to be quickly captured, synthesized, and translated into a strategic plan.

“The fact that our whole group could think together in real-time, regardless of our location, allowed us to rapidly converge on a winning strategy that everyone understood and bought into.”